Initial Preservation and Maintenance
There are usually many people involved in reaching the same end goal. Sometimes, our clients need to step back and let us do what we are fantastic at—preservation and Maintenance. There’s a good chance that our clients have already started working with their own P&P vendor during Mitigation and Foreclosure. Using our procedures and network of brokers and vendors across the country, we can get the most reputable, reliable vendors for these tasks.
Our preferred vendors usually have an average reasonable cost of $150. Larger repairs, such as boarding windows or door replacement, may require bids from many vendors in our network. We will get the bids, present them to our client, and get approval for these more significant tasks. If previous vendors were used, we may need to supervise a re-key of the property. We can do that. We are used to it, so this task will happen quickly and efficiently.
We will also get and submit bids for trash and debris removals that do not fall into the “emergency” or “life-safety” categories. We also work directly with Rural Development/ USDA properties and will follow those procedures for vendor approval.
In the case of emergency repairs and life-safety issues, we will work with our client to have emergency repairs completed to protect and preserve the property. These repairs may include, but are not limited to:
- Securing and/or re-securing a property
- Tarp or otherwise cover of a leaking roof
- Correcting property conditions that present an inherent danger and may cause immediate or significant damage to the property.
Our agents and vendors are professional, efficient, and prepared to help you through this process quickly and painlessly.
Ongoing / Monthly Preservation & Maintenance
We secure the most competitive pricing from reputable vendors recognized for quality work, licensed, bonded and insured as required. We are on top of every task and meet our deadlines, including our vendors, at a rate of 98%. Any cases that require work beyond these limits will be submitted to our client for review and approval. We realize that sometimes this will require additional competitive bidding. We handle all of it.
Once the property becomes vacant and is out of any redemption, ratification, confirmation, or possession periods, we will place the utilities in the name of KenSold REO Services and initiate service. The only exception is if the client transfers a property already in process or if turning on the utilities may represent a hazard to the property.
Some preservation activities are periodic, such as winterization. We get these handled per HUD guidelines. We understand that currently, these are the HUD guidelines:
Dry Heat one unit, $150; additional units at $75 each
Wet (steam) heat one unit $200; additional units at $100 each
Wet (radiant) heat one unit $300; additional units at $150 each.
This may change, but as of 12/15/2016, that’s what we are going by. If the work exceeds these limits, we’ll send the client two bids for approval.
Let’s not forget about snow removal. Any storms exceeding 10 inches of snow are considered as two “events.” Unless told otherwise, we go by the budget of $100 per event that does not need approval. We are happy to discuss a fixed rate where snowfall is likely.
Licensed Inspections
Since we have been licensed in real estate in more than a dozen states for years, we’ve developed a substantial list of licensed inspectors that is kept very current. We turn to these people regarding signing off on the property and various large tasks. We carefully research newer inspectors, but we have a terrific list of seasoned professionals who are highly respected, rated, and professional.